In today’s volatile world you face many risks and challenges. We help you mitigate these risks, manage your challenges, identify and exploit opportunities.
The objective, qualitative, well-sourced and often unique information we provide will help you understand your problem. And give you a clear pathway to solve it. Sometimes we even show there is no problem after all.
We challenge available information and ask difficult questions until we get to the heart of the real issue at stake. This broadens both your perspective of the issue and ours.
What we do informs your key business decisions, throughout the business cycle. Is it safe to invest? Do I want to partner with these people? Is this country stable? We give you confidence to proceed, or to withdraw before you incur financial or reputational losses.
How we add value
We can help you:
Base your key decisions on independent, objective analysis
Make an informed decision on whether to proceed with a deal
Shape your strategy
Protect your, or your client’s, reputation
Prepare a more robust defence
Investigate individuals or organisations
Understand the political risks in a specific country or region

How we add value
We can help you:
Base your key decisions on independent, objective analysis
Make an informed decision on whether to proceed with a deal
Shape your strategy
Protect your, or your client’s, reputation
Prepare a more robust defence
Investigate individuals or organisations
Understand the political risks in a specific country or region
Powerful technology
Technology, in common with available knowledge, is complex and proliferating. However, our skills and experience mean we know which are the best currently available tools to conduct detailed research and provide insightful analysis. And we know how best to use them.
Because few others use the technology we do, we can dig deeper and uncover more of the intelligence you need.
Corroborating Sources
This rigorous technological analysis underpins our approach to source information.
We elicit and cross-reference information from our network of contacts and partners to provide a rounded and validated analysis. Then we put this information, some of which can be contradictory, into context to help you make more informed decisions.
A global view
Today, more than ever, business and politics are tightly interwoven. Understandably, geopolitics, corporate investigations and broader risk management may not be in your corporate leadership toolkit. We can fill that gap for you.
For example, in some countries anti-corruption measures don’t work. This makes a degree of corruption more socially acceptable and often the norm. So, if you’re thinking of doing business in a new country or market, you need to understand both its politics and the cultural undercurrents in which they operate.
We have long-term relationships with many of our clients, often working on a retained basis. This helps us maintain a detailed understanding of your business and anticipate potential issues as well as solve existing ones.